A week at camp is one of the most fun and rewarding things to be a part of. Here is a sample of what a typical day schedule looks like. The schedule changes some depending on the age group.
7:30 Rise and Shine
8:00 Flag Raise/Devotions
8:30 Breakfast
9:10 Dorm Clean up
9:30 Morning Chapel
10:15 Break
10:20 Missions Time
11:00 Free Time
12:00 Bible Class
12:30 Lunch
1:15 Rest Time
2:00 Recreation
3:00 Snack Store Open and Free Time
6:00 Supper
6:55 Flag Lowering/Chapel
7:45 Recreation
8:45 Snack Time
9:00 In Dorms
9:30 Dorm Devotions
10:00 Lights Out and Quiet